Study Human Resources Management in Turkey


Dec 13, 2022


Human resource management is one of the newly appeared and currently developing specializations. Although we are now witnessing a system of tremendous technological progress in all fields, - the human element is still the most important one in the system because it is the engine and regulator of all modern means. Hence, there is a need for a special department in all Human resources institutions. This department is staffed by graduates of Human Resources Management. In this article, we will discuss in detail all the necessary information about this important major in Turkey.

An overview of the human resource management major

  •  HR is the field that deals with the management of employee personnel files, recruitment processes, and management in companies and institutions. 

  • The most important element in institutions, and organizations of any kind, is the one who organizes the work of employees from an administrative side and coordinates how to benefit from them in the largest possible way.

  • Therefore, the study of human resources management mainly aims to find out the best ways to manage employees and deal with them in various institutions, to increase their production efficiency for the benefit of the institution.

Read more about: How to begin studying in Turkey?

The importance of a Human Resources Management major.

Human resources are the controlling and driving force for all daily operations in the public and private sectors, and their importance lies in: 

  • Managing manpower in various institutions, and companies.

  • Attracting all that companies need from the vacancies 

  • Solving all employees' problems, which negatively affect their productive efficiency.

  • Managing employee training files, salary files, and rewards.

  • Concluding contracts and deals with various institutions and companies.

Advantages of studying human resource management

The study of human resources is distinguished from other majors in many things, including for example:

  • It allows its graduates to work in the most prestigious and best institutions in all fields Such as engineering, medical, education, and others.

  • It refines the individual's skill and provides him with the necessary life experience through his continuous interaction with workers and employees on a daily and renewed basis.

  • Higher wages in this specialty, that is, after increased work experience.

  • Human resources are one of the most important factors leading to mutations, and Economic transfers for factories, enterprises, and companies. 

  • Business diversity: there are many excellent job opportunities available in various fields, which reduce the work routine. 

  • Universities in various countries are interested in this specialization and Turkey is one of them. It provides multiple study programs in English in addition to Turkish.

Majors related to human resources management

The specialization of Human Resource Management is closely related to many sciences and other majors such as:

Careers for Graduates of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management graduates do several works, for example:

  • Selecting and attracting new workers by conducting personal interviews with them to choose the best and most appropriate, and to exclude the least qualified among them.

  • Working to coordinate work within the institution and solve all employee problems.

  • Work on training and evaluating employees and identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Recording data, and employee information.

  • Creating records, files, and statistics for employees.

  • Following up on attendance and departure records for employees daily.

  • Managing the Financial affairs of employees.

  • Carrying out continuous motivating processes for employees through rewards and financial allowances.

  • Concluding contracts and deals with companies and institutions.

Job Opportunities for Human Resources Management Graduates

Many different fields of work are available for a human resource management graduate in various institutions and bodies such as:

  • Work as a manager, or Human resources consultant

  • Work as a director of Training and development

  • Work in administrative departments as an administrator in administrative affairs

  • Work in the field of Data analysis

  • Work as a contract specialist

  • Work in the Academic field such as schools, institutes, and universities

Studying Human Resource Management in Turkey

  • Turkey is one of the emerging strong countries in the economic field in the past few years

  • Therefore, the need for human resource managers to improve companies and advance them has increased greatly

Turkish universities are also very interested in this specialization, and it covers the study of all the skills required for it, such as critical thinking, decision-making, negotiation skills, and others.

Learn more about: Advantage and disadvantage of Studying in Turkey

Requirements for studying human resources management in Turkey

The requirements vary depending on the university, each university has its system, but in general, the study requirements include the following:

  • The high school certificate and the required rate varies from one university to another, but in general, the minimum admission to private universities is 50%

  •  Passing the Turkish Aptitude Test (YOS) or  (SAT) 

Certificate of English language proficiency (TOEFL) in case of studying in English, or Turkish language proficiency certificate ( Toomer) in case of studying in Turkish.

Read more about: Application Requirements to Study in Turkey

Human resources management subjects in Turkish universities

The courses vary in different universities, but in general, the most important subjects for the human resource management major are:

  • Principles of Human Resource Management and Leadership.

  • Principles of Public Administration.

  • Principles of Business Administration.

  • Organizational behaviour.

  • culture management.

  • Knowledge management.

  • Decision analysis.

  • International human resources management.

  • Public relations.

  • Strategic management of human resources.

  • Characteristics, principles of negotiations.

  • Methodology of scientific research.

  • Management of small projects.

  • recruitment and retention

  • Administrative control.

  • Total Quality Management.

  • Training and Development Department.

  • Feasibility study and evaluation of projects.

  • Diverse culture management.

  • Administrative Communications.

  • Compensation management.

  • Rewards management.

  • Organizational development and change

  • Operations Research.

  • Principles of accounting and Economics.

  • Field Training.

  • Advanced computer applications.

The best Turkish universities for studying human resources

The study of human resource management is available in most public and private Turkish universities. The duration of the bachelor's degree is 4 years, and the following are the most prominent universities that offer human resource management study programs in Turkey for bachelor's and master's degrees:

Bachelor's degree 

  • Yeditepe University: It offers a bachelor's degree in human resource management in English at the Faculty of Applied Sciences. The cost of the study is 8,500 dollars per year.

  • Istanbul Medipol University: It offers a bachelor's degree in human resources management in Turkish at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The cost of the study is about 3960 dollars per year.

Master's degree 

  • Yeditepe University:  In the faculty of Social Sciences, $8,750 is the annual cost for a non-thesis master's and $9,500 is for a master's with a thesis. The study is in English.

  • Bahçeşehir University: It offers a master's degree with a thesis and a non-thesis in Turkish from the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the standard fee is 9000 dollars per year.

  • Işik University: It offers the possibility of distance learning for a master's degree with non-thesis in Turkish, with an annual fee of $4,000.

  • Istanbul Aydın University The study is in Turkish, and the fees are 4700 Dollars per year for a master's without a thesis، And 5000 Dollars for a master's thesis.

  • Istanbul Arel University; The study is in Turkish, and the fees are 2800 Dollars per year for a master's without a thesis، And 3500 Dollars for a master's thesis.

  •  Okan University; at the Faculty of Social Sciences, the study program is offered in Turkish for the master’s without a thesis, and its cost is 5,400 dollars per year.

  • Beykent University: It offers a non-thesis master's degree in Turkish at $2,375, and with thesis at $2,850. The university also provides a non-thesis master's degree by distance education at $2,375

Human Resources Specialist Salary in Turkey

Salaries vary depending on years of experience and places of work, but in general, they range approximately between 5400 TL To 7500 TL per month.

In conclusion, the human resource management major is currently among the best university majors. It is characterized by a bright future for its owner, due to the abundance and multiplicity of fields of work. He does not bound to work in one field but can work in any field because all fields and different specialties desperately need Human resources managers to facilitate the work and achieve the best-desired results in a short time.

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