Studying Political science in Turkey

Fatma el hadad

Dec 13, 2022

Political science is a branch of social sciences that aims to provide students with the required knowledge and skills for professional practice and jobs in the labor market through academic courses and practicals. This gained knowledge also qualifies the students for scientific research and in pursuing higher studies.

Advantages of Studying Political Science in Turkey

  • Political science specialization studies governmental systems, political history, processes, and theories in the country and global political systems.

  • Providing students with a scientific understanding of social phenomena associated with societal practices and concepts that establish political proposals.

  • The bachelor's degree in political science from Turkey helps to understand how to manage and distribute political power, how governments work, make laws and change them, the elections, and the work of country institutions.

  • Political science graduates contribute to understanding and changing the political climate by understanding the rights and responsibilities of the public and participating in decision-making.

  • The political science specialization deals with current political and social issues and constantly looks to the country's future.

  • There are various sub-specializations for political science specialization at Turkish universities, such as international affairs, comparative politics, human rights, theory and political philosophy, political systems, political economy, national security, public services, and international relations.

  • As it is concerned with political changes in the world, the political science specialization in Turkish universities is constantly updated to accommodate recent topics in science and political theories.

  • The political science specialization at Turkish universities provides a rigorous conceptual framework, basic analytical tools, and distinguished methodological training.

Read more about: Advantage and disadvantage of Studying in Turkey

Personal Characteristics of Political Science Students in Turkey

• The student can conduct researchcollect dataarrange ideas and priorities, and be flexible for sound decision-making.

• The student is self-aware and able to communicate with the local community.

• The student has functional skills such as meditation, the ability to persuade, self-confidence, concentration, observation accuracy, and speaking and expressing.

• The student has a professional work ethic and a passion for self-development in primary areas, especially in economic and historical sciences.

• The student has skills in analysis, evaluation, and critical thinking

• The student has writing skillsfast reading, and writing research papers, reports, and articles

• The student can be familiar with various issues that are interconnected or not intertwined, especially concerning international or foreign affairs..

Advantages of Political Science Students in Turkey

• The graduate of political science enjoys a distinguished position in the society 

• The political science graduate is aware of his politicaleconomic, and social surroundings. The graduate also has the soundness of analysis and the ability to provide accurate observations. 

• The graduate of political science has sufficient knowledge of rights and freedoms and also enjoys the self-awareness of professional capabilities in the various fields of politics.

Duration of Political Science Study in Turkey

The duration of studying political science in Turkish universities is four years with eight semesters. However, the student can complete his study in a shorter period based on his dedication.

In the case of international students, an additional year can be added to the total duration of the study to become five years. This year is for learning the language for those who did not submit an English or Turkish language proficiency certificate according to the university's terms and conditions.

Courses of Political Science in Turkey

Turkish universities focus on providing courses related to Turkish, Middle Eastern, and European politics. Moreover, they shed light on contemporary issues, normative theory, political and official analysis, and public policy of Turkey and its relationship with the region and the world. The most critical courses covered in political science specialization are:

• Introduction to Political Science

• Introduction to Comparative Politics

• Introduction to International Relations

• Political Thought

• Political Systems

• Political Theories

• Political Economy

• Political Sociology

• Political Parties

• Modern Political Thought

• Contemporary Political Issues

• Human Rights

• Diplomatic Studies

• Political Studies

• Specialized Studies

• Studies in International Relations

• International Disputes

• Public Opinion and its Making

• International and Regional Organizations

The relationship of Political Science with other Specialization in Turkey

Economics Specialization

• History Specialization

• Geography Specialization

• Rights Specialization

Public Relations Specialization

• International Relations Specialization

Media Specialization

Psychology Specialization

Philosophy Specialization

Job Opportunities for Political Science Graduates in Turkey

• Work as a government employee in government institutions and the fields of security, ministries, and the media

• Diplomatic positions

• Work in the public affairs of the state

• Work as a professional political analyst, thinker, and writer

• Work in public relations and media

• Work as a political consultant

• Work in the field of elections as an organizer of electoral and political campaigns

• Diplomatic employee and work in various diplomatic bodies

• An employee in government departments

• Work in schools, universities, or research centers in the teaching and academic fields.

Admission Requirements to Study Political Science in Turkey

• Admission to Turkish private universities requires the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) without any prerequisite on average. Therefore, it is sufficient to have an average of (50%).

• English or Turkish language proficiency certificate approved by the university.

• Documents that qualify the student to study in Turkish universities must be available.

Learn more about: Application Requirements to Study in Turkey

Tuition Fees for Political Science Study in Turkey

The annual tuition fee for studying political science varies between public and private universities.

• Public universities: tuition fees are between $100-$300 per year.

• Private universities: tuition fees are between $3000-$9000 per year.

• Scholarships: At private universities, there are discounts based on the scholarship offered by universities. These scholarships can be full and partial financial grants; some others are awarded due to academic excellence.

Private Universities to Study Political Science in Turkey

Universities with an English medium of instruction 

• Beykoz University, annual tuition fee of $2450

Beykent University, annual tuition fee of $3,087

Uskudar University, annual tuition fee of $3900

Yeditepe University, annual tuition fee of $10,500

Istanbul Kent University, annual tuition fee of $2250

Nişantaşi University, annual tuition fee of $2,450

Medipol University, annual tuition fee of $3,800

Istanbul Gelişim University, annual tuition fee of $3,720

Istanbul Bilgi University, annual tuition fee of $6,600

Istanbul Aydın University, annual tuition fee of 4750 dollars

Bahçeşehir University, annual tuition fee of $7,700

Ankara Medipol University, annual tuition fee of $3,970

Altinbas University, annual tuition fee of $3,000

Universities with a Turkish medium of instruction

• Beykent University, annual tuition fee of $2,755

• Istanbul Kent University, annual tuition fee of $3250

• Uskudar University, annual tuition fee of $3,200

• Nisantasi University, annual tuition fee of $2,806

• Maltepe University, annual tuition fee of $4,000

• Altinbas University, annual tuition fee of $3,000

• Istanbul Arel University, annual tuition fee of $2000

• Istanbul Gelisim University, annual tuition fee of $3,255

• Istanbul Medipol University, annual tuition fee of $3800

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