What is the difference between cyber security and information security?
We cannot claim that technology doesn’t make our lives easier. At the same time, it is important to secure the information being shared. Security issues rise because of information falling into the wrong person’s hands.
Have you ever thought… What is cyber security and information security? What is the difference between cyber security and information security? Well, you are not alone. You might think that the answer will be complex, but it's really simple.
Many people think that cybersecurity and information security are similar. The differences between them are often hard to detect. They are so closely related that sometimes people use both terms to refer to the same thing.
Cyber security Meaning
Cyber security definition is basically preventing threats or unauthorized people from reaching data, networks, and computer systems that they can cause harm to. It involves precaution measures and strategies as well as ways to undo the damage already caused.
Most data we use nowadays from the most basic to the most complex industries is stored in computers. Some of these systems, especially in privacy critical industries, require great protection because of all the possible threats around.
Is cyber security part of information security? Yes it can be considered that way. Cyber security is a narrower field that is focused on technological threats. Cyber security protects data on the internet and the cyber space from all the possible attacks.
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Why is cyber security important?
Cybersecurity’s great importance rises from its great role in protecting data against cyber attacks and increasing safety in online transactions. This includes critical information and systems that affect our day-to-day lives.
Cyber security jobs
There are many different roles available in the field of cybersecurity. The jobs range from teaching others about cyber security to managing a team of analysts who analyze the security threats and implementing measures to prevent attacks. Some of them are:
Information security analyst.
Cybersecurity analyst/engineer.
Penetration tester.
Security consultant
Security architect
Cybersecurity manager
Incident responder.
Security software developer
Cybersecurity trainer
Information security meaning
Information is different from data. All information is meaningful, at the same time can be considered data, but not every data can give you meaning in order for it to become information.Our sensitive information is most likely something highly important to us that if accessed by the wrong people can cause us many problems.
Information security (InfoSec) is the process of guarding information and keeping it safe from being accessed, stolen, or modified by unauthorized users. This safety process includes different tools and strategies in order to ensure confidentiality.
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Why is information security important?
Information security protects all kinds of information being physical, digital, or intellectual. This information can face many types of threats, from physical threats to data breaches. The protection of information security is more inclusive than cybersecurity which is more focused towards electronic systems.
Information security jobs
InfoSec being a wider field than cyber security, the job opportunities are more general to include overall security. You can design new ways to ensure security, you can investigate the breaches that occurred, or you can maintain the safety. Some of the roles in this field are:
IT Security Specialist
Information Security Analyst
Network Security Engineer
Information Security Manager
Entry-Level Cyber Security Analyst
IT Security Engineer
Security Analyst
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
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The difference between cyber security and information security
The difference between cyber security and information security is that information security is a broader field that can include physical security like surveillance systems, and data encryption security that keeps data safe and unreadable even in the situation of unauthorized access.
Information security is a bigger field than cyber security as information can be found online or offline and the threats can be digital or physical.
Similarities between Information security and Cyber security
Cyber security and information security both protect computer systems from data breaches and the many other possible threats.
Many of the procedures that are used to protect the data are shared between the two fields, such as security awareness training, risk assessment, and vulnerability management. Also, the tools, concepts, and best practices.
Most of the time both departments work together to ensure the integrated security of the organization's assets and operations.
Where to study information security?
After reading briefly about information security and cyber security many people become really interested in that field. Some are even deeply interested and want to study that field. If you want to study in this field in Turkey, you need to check the Application Requirements to Study in Turkey.
The department of Information Security Technology can be found in many great universities in Turkey such as Bahçeşehir University, Üsküdar University, and Işık University. Some offer the program in English while other universities offer it in Turkish.
Cyber security is a narrower field than Information Security. That is why Studying Cyber Security Turkey is more widespread as a master’s degree. But if you want to have a bachelor’s degree in that department it is also available in English in some universities like the Cyprus health and social science university.
Security has been and always will be highly important to people and organizations. You should always keep this security top of mind. Everybody should have knowledge about it either by studying or reading about it and the dangers they might face.
Knowing what the difference is between cybersecurity and information security makes you know the differences and similarities between the two departments.
Do not be hesitant about studying this field and entering this sector of great importance all around the world. With constant threats being all around, ensuring top security to people and organizations will always be needed. In Turkey, you can study a department of high demand and be professional in it.
If you wanted to know more or have any questions, we are here to help you and you can always contact us:
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