Study of Logistics Management in Turkey

Fatma el hadad

Dec 13, 2022

Logistics management is one of the essential specializations to keep pace with local and global developments in the marketing field. During his study in Turkey, the student will be provided with a solid foundation in international logistics and supply chain management with rich modules such as transportation management, distribution channels, supply chain management, logistics planning, retail tasks, inventory management, and more technical and administrative operations.

Because of globalization and the stimulation of motives and predictions in the business market, logistics management is concerned with studying the criteria and foundations of success and creativity in competition and keeping pace with rapid changes. Logistics management also covers technical development, methods of entrepreneurship, control of funds, small and large enterprises, and the ability to retain customers.

Logistics is generally the detailed regulation and implementation of a complex process. It can be described as managing the flow between the origin point and the consumption point to meet the requirements of customers or companies.

Advantages of Studying Logistics Management in Turkey

  • The logistics management specialization is of great importance in the business sectors.

  • The strategic location of Turkey in global trade impacted the specialization syllabus in Turkish universities.

  • Turkish universities offer various educational programs that meet the market's needs and afford job opportunities for graduates inside and outside Turkey.

  • Graduates of logistics management from Turkish universities enjoy several practical skills, especially in analyzing commercial and marketing standards, human resources, and logistics.

  • Graduates of the logistics management specialization in Turkey have a solid theoretical background, great experience, and professional competence gained from attending the high-quality training courses during their studies of this specialization under a rigorous academic plan that meets international standards.

  • Turkish universities that offer logistics management specialization meet the highest international standards in education. They also compete with European universities in their study plan, the efficiency and professionalism of the faculty, and the available laboratories and other facilities that provide an excellent environment for development and innovation.

  • The students and graduates, through the available modern technologies and advanced laboratories, gain a great experience with the strategies and tactical and operational requirements of the competitive business world.

  • Turkey has become an attractive destination for investors in the last ten years, which motivated public and private universities to offer this specialization.

Read more about: Advantage and disadvantage of Studying in Turkey

Skills of Logistics Management Students

Tasks of Logistics Management Specialists

  • Logistics specialists deal with the procurement of raw materials and the delivery of these materials to production.

  • Logistics specialists store raw materials and final goods, and they concern with the distribution channels as active and efficient parts of the supply chain.

Importance of Studying Logistics Management in Turkey

  • Emphasizing the importance of logistics services through the excellent courses and practical training offered by the Turkish university.

  • Turkey has become a competitive and attractive trade center for logistics companies regionally and internationally.

  • The syllabus of the logistics management specialization contains multiple courses that keep pace with developments at the global level in the areas of marketing competition, technological progress, and international and global trade.

  • Logistics management can be implemented in various fields, including health, commercial, and economics. It can also be used in other sectors such as transportation, export, and supply of products from the country of origin to the consumer country.

  • The logistics management employs administrative aspects such as accounting, planning, and marketing in logistical operations, including controlling goods flow and supply. It also utilizes these aspects with the logistics services like the production, transportation, storage, sorting, and export of goods with the least effort, highest quality, and without logistical errors.

  • Logistics management is one of the in-demand specializations in various civil and military sectors.

  • The logistics management specialization aims to empower and develop optimal analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • The logistics management specialization falls under the administrative sciences. It is also one of the distinguished administrative specializations with many administrative branches.

  • Turkey is considered the bridge between East and West. It tries to attract international students through the benefits of studying logistics management in its public and private universities. 

Skills of Logistics Management Students and Graduates

  • The ability to organize and manage time

  • Strong computer skills

  • Technical skills such as designing and organizing plans and processes

  • The ability to work under pressure and for long periods

  • The capability to engage in multiple projects at the same time

  • The capability of problem analysis, logical and critical thinking, and finding alternative solutions

  • The ability to write reports.

  • Tact in communication and communication

Practical Skills of Logistics Management Graduates in Turkey

  • The ability to serve, retain and attract customers

  • Negotiation skills with clients and companies

  • Knowledge of products from marketing, administrative and technical aspects

  • Presentation skills

  • Leadership and management skills

  • The ability to set smart goals and formulate strategic plans

  • STEM skills which include understanding science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 

  • Administrative efficiency

Know more about: Studying Business Administration In Turkey

Tasks of Logistics Management Specialists

  • Supervising the distribution and warehousing departments professionally and administratively.

  • Supervising warehouses and ensuring the quality of goods.

  • Developing organizational plans that achieve the company's goals in line with the proposed budget.

  • Assigning the tasks of workers in each department and evaluating their capabilities and attitude.

  • Tracking the goods and determining their route. 

  • Dealing with and negotiating with customers and suppliers.

  • Developing the import and export networks of the company.

  • Writing reports that highlight all processed operations for a specific period.

  • Specifying the training and logistical needs.

Duration of Logistics Management Study in Turkey

The duration of studying logistics management is four years with eight semesters. In the private university, an additional language preparatory year is added to the total duration if the students do not manage to submit the English language proficiency certificate.


Job Opportunities for Logistics Management Graduates

Courses of Logistics Management Program in Turkey

 First Academic Year

  • Basics of logistics

  • Applied Statistics

  • Information Technology in Logistics

  • Introduction to Economics

  • Supply Management

  • Accounting in Logistics

  • Current Issues in Logistics Management

Second Academic Year

  • Numerical Methods in Logistics Management

  • Company Financing in Logistics Management

  • Transportation

  • Procurement and Contract Management

  • Storage

Third Academic Year

  • Scientific Methods and Research Techniques

  • Applications in Logistics Management

  • Transportation Systems

  • Strategic Management in Logistics

  • Modeling in Supply Chain 

  • Risk management in Supply Chain

Fourth Academic Year

  • Transport of Special Products

  • Practical Case Studies in Logistics Management

  • Basics of International Trade

  • Logistics Information Systems

  • Retail Concepts in Logistics Management

Job Opportunities for Logistics Management Graduates in Turkey

  • Work in logistics services

  • Work in audit, insurance, and foreign trade companies

  • Work in the communications and information technology departments

  • Work as agents for shipping companies

  • Work in ports and customs

  • Work as managers in free trade zones

  • Work in drug or food stores and warehouses

  • Work in social media websites, e-marketing, and advertising

  • Work in the administration and logistics-related academic field and research.

Work Areas of Logistics Management Graduates

  • Postal companies

  • Ports and custom clearance

  • Navigation and airports

  • All kinds of factories

  • Warehouses 

  • Shipping and clearance companies

  • E-marketing

Admission Requirements to Study Logistics Management in Turkey

It is required to have a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GSCE) with an average of above 50% while applying for admission in the logistic management program. Turkish Private universities do not require the students to appear for entrance exams. However, they require them to submit an English language proficiency certificate.

Read also about: Application Requirements to Study in Turkey

Masters Programs in Logistics Management in Turkey

• A master's degree in logistics management helps to cover the need for logistics experts and specialists. The postgraduate program covers all the courses in a more profound and detailed manner while providing extensive training to equip the researcher with the required experiences and skills for the labor market.

Admission Requirements to Study Logistics Management in Turkey

Courses of Master's Program in Logistics Management in Turkey

The majority of universities that offer master's programs in logistics management focus on the following courses:

  • Production and Inventory Management

  • Logistics Management

  • Transportation Management

  • Supply Management

  • Management of Warehouses and Distribution Centers

  • Planning and Modeling

Annual Tuition Fees of Undergraduate Programs in Logistics Management with English

Annual Tuition Fees of Undergraduate Programs in Logistics Management in Turkish

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