Differences between Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Fatma el hadad

Dec 13, 2022

Bioengineering is the practical implementation of engineering principles in biology, such as creating artificial organs and gene therapy. In contrast, biomedical engineering uses engineering principles to design, maintain, and develop all devices and equipment in hospitals and various medical and research centers.

Many may confuse between bioengineering and biomedical engineering due to the various similarities; however, there are several differences between them regarding the work areas, covered courses, job duties, and salaries.

Therefore, this article will highlight some of these differences and similarities to make a clear picture for all students who seek to study one of these two prestigious specializations in the engineering field.

Overview of Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

  • Bioengineering and biomedical engineering are closely related to biology, specifically medical and biological sciences.

  • Both specializations aim to solve biological problems to improve the quality of human life and shape the contemporary world by linking engineering sciences with medical and biological sciences.

  • For example, biomedical engineering has contributed to the design of pacemakers, helping extend human life.

  • Bioengineering has also contributed positively to agricultural biological sciences by improving the quality of crops through soil testing.

  • Therefore, it can be said that these two specializations link the natural sciences such as engineering, physics, and mathematics with biological sciences such as zoology and botany.

What is Bioengineering?

  • It is also known as biological engineering, biological systems engineering, or biotechnology engineering.

  • It covers the basics of applied engineering in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and computer science to produce and design new tools that contribute to the development of biological sciences.

  • Therefore, it can be said that bioengineering represents the application of engineering principles to cells and living tissues.

  • For example, bioengineering contributes to the creation of artificial organs, drugs, and gene therapy.

  • One of the most prominent examples illustrating the importance of bioengineering is its role in genetic editing and the development of mRNA technology through CRISPR programs.

  • This technology has contributed significantly to the production of the most modern microbial vaccines, the most important of which is the COVID-19 vaccine.

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What is Biomedical Engineering?

  • It is a multidisciplinary specialization that combines different engineering specializations such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, and computer engineering with the biological and medical sciences.

  • It focuses more on practical implementation in the medical field than bioengineering.

  • Therefore, this specialization is the advanced version of bioengineering, as it integrates engineering with biomedical sciences and clinical medicine to improve all aspects of health care services.

  • For example, biomedical engineers design medical engineering devices such as pacemakers, insulin pumps, and ventilators.

  • They also design and develop artificial organs such as mechanical heart valves and prosthetics.

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Similarities between Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

  • One of the most common similarities between the two specializations is that they implement engineering principles in the medical sciences and health care.

  • Moreover, the concepts covered in both specializations are correlated and can be mutually applied.

  • The work areas also appear to be common between the two specializations. For example, a biomedical engineer can handle the tasks of a bioengineer in the healthcare sector.

Differences between Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Despite the many similarities between the two specializations, there are some dividing lines and notable differences between them, which can be highlighted as follows:

  • Bioengineering covers topics with a broader scope, such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and natural resources. However, biomedical engineering is concerned more with the medical and health care aspects and aims primarily to improve human health.

  • Therefore, the applications of bioengineering cover many industries and different biological fields, including the field of health care.

  • Bioengineering also focuses on theories that can be applied in various fields of natural sciences. However, biomedical engineering is more concerned with practical implementation, especially in health care.

  • The differences between the two specializations can be summarized: Bioengineering covers all biological sciences while biomedical engineering is limited to medical sciences.

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What are the Differences in the Studied Courses?

The courses of both specializations are closely similar, but there are still some minor differences. Some of the courses covered in each specialization can be given as follows:

Bioengineering Courses

  • Processes of Biological Transport and Biological Interaction.

  • FDA Regulatory Processes and Technical Communications.

  • Machine Learning and Data science.

  • Biology, Engineering, and Medicine.

  • Engineering Principles for carrying the drug.

  • Physical Chemistry of Biomolecules.

  • Biocomposites Engineering.

  • Polymer Chemistry.

  • Applied Tissue Engineering.

Biomedical Engineering Courses

  • Biomedical Transducers.

  • FDA Regulatory Processes and Technical Communications.

  • Signals and Systems.

  • Microcomputer Applications.

  • Machine Learning and Data Science.

  • Biology, Engineering, and Medicine.

  • Introduction to Micro- and Nano-Fabrication.

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What are the differences in Job Duties?

  • There are many shared jobs between bioengineering and biomedical engineering, such as working in pharmaceutical companies, food and beverage production companies, medical equipment manufacturers, and medical research institutions.

  • However, bioengineering is concerned with the design of biomedical equipment and devices such as artificial internal organs, prosthetics, and medical diagnostic devices.

  • Job duties of bioengineers include installation, modification, maintenance, repair, and technical support of biomedical equipment.

  • Job opportunities for bioengineers are available in agriculture, bio-environment, and many other non-medical fields. However, these jobs are not available for biomedical engineers.

  • On the other hand, biomedical engineers work alongside doctors and biologists.

  • Their duties include designing and developing medical devices such as artificial organs and surgical lasers and assessing and installing medical equipment.

  • They also research the engineering aspects of human and animal biological systems.

What is the Future of Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Graduates?

  • Due to the rapid growth and development of medical fields, work in biomedical engineering or bioengineering fields is in high demand worldwide.

  • Biomedical engineering uses technological advances to develop new medical devices to improve the quality of human life.

  • Therefore, the future is promising and bright for biomedical and bioengineering engineers worldwide.

What are the Differences in Salary?

  • According to recent statistics, the salary of biomedical engineers is slightly higher than that of bioengineers.

  • The average annual stipend for biomedical engineers is approximately $93,000, compared to $83,000 for bioengineers.

What is the Best Specialization? Bioengineering or Biomedical Engineering?

  • According to the above discussion, it seems that biomedical engineering is comparatively better than bioengineering.

  • In fact, both specializations enjoy many advantages and are part of today's growing industries.

  • However, the superiority of biomedical engineering and its high salaries compared to bioengineering are mainly attributed to the importance of the medical sector, its relevance to people's daily lives, and its continuous need for modern technology.

  • In contrast, bioengineering is characterized by the diversity of associated fields compared to biomedical engineering, which is limited to the medical field only.

  • Both bioengineering and biomedical engineering are almost of equal importance and have a promising and bright future; therefore, the student can seek to study any of them based on his desire.

  • At the end of this article, we can conclude that bioengineering and biomedical engineering are among the best and most advanced engineering specializations. They play an essential role in science and technology, integrating basic engineering principles with biological and medical sciences to solve fundamental problems. Although both specializations share a common goal, they have some notable differences in the health care sector that we have highlighted in this article.

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