Graduate Program Quota at Bahçeşehir University is Full for 2023
All graduate program quotas at Bahçeşehir University for the first semester of the new academic year 2023-2024 ıs full. Applications for the second semester (spring) will be accepted from December 4, 2023 to February 9, 2024, according to the university's academic calendar.
Advantages of Studying for a Master's Degree in Turkey
The Turkish government places great emphasis on scientific research and allocates a huge budget for this purpose, which has led to approximately 17% of students being foreign students. Studying for a Master's degree in Turkey has many advantages, including:
Turkish universities offer many Master's programs, with study available at over 200 Turkish government universities, most of which have good local and global rankings.
The nature and lifestyle in Turkey are similar to the Arab lifestyle, making it a suitable environment for Arab students to study compared to other European countries.
Turkish universities have distinguished scientific staff, including experts and consultants in various fields, which helps in providing outstanding scientific material.
Students are entitled to residence in Turkey when studying for a Master's degree, providing them with many living benefits.
The cost of studying for a Master's degree in Turkey is low compared to other European countries and the United States.
Government housing is available for expatriate students at reasonable prices.
The possibility of subscribing to student health insurance and receiving treatment at reasonable prices is available in modern medical facilities located in most Turkish universities.
The opportunity to study and prepare a scientific thesis in Arabic is available at some Turkish universities, such as Marmara University and Yalova University, which is one of the most important advantages of studying for a Master's degree in Turkey for Arab students.
Advantages of Studying for a PhD in Turkey
Studying for a PhD in Turkey has several advantages, including:
Turkish universities have a prestigious international ranking, making obtaining a PhD from them prestigious.
Most Turkish universities collaborate with universities and research centers around the world, making it easier for students to complete their research tasks.
The student exchange program at Turkish universities allows students to study at a university outside Turkey for one semester or one full year.
Turkish universities offer study programs in both Turkish and English.
The cost of studying for a PhD in Turkey is lower compared to other countries in Europe, America and Arab countries.
Since most PhD lectures are held in the evening, it allows students to work part-time alongside their studies.
Upon obtaining their PhD degree, graduates can work as academic professors at Turkish universities or companies and institutions related to their field of study.