Adopting the unified YÖS test in Turkish universities


Dec 9, 2023

Adopting the TR- YÖS test instead of the YÖS test in Turkish public universities in 2024

The Turkish Higher Education Council decided to cancel all YOS tests for admission to Turkish public universities, and adopt the unified YOS test known as TR-YOS instead, starting in 2024.

It was stated at the General Assembly meeting of the Turkish Higher Education Council that the unified YÖS test for international students for admission to Turkish public universities will be held twice a year by the OSYM Foundation.

Read more about: Differences between YöS and SAT exams

An overview of the unified central YOS exam

A decision has been made by the Turkish Higher Education (YOK) to start the new central YÖK exam at the beginning of 2023, and the separate university exams have not been canceled.

The test was determined as optional and not mandatory according to the students’ wishes. Based on this decision, foreign students can register in Turkish universities using only a high school diploma or its equivalent, or passing the SAT exam.

After the decision of the Turkish Higher Education Council to make the Unified Central YÖS test mandatory, let us learn about the content of the test:

  • Number of questions: The exam contains 80 questions.

  • Exam content: includes mathematics and geometry, 40 questions, and an IQ and aptitude test, 40 questions.

  • Duration of the exam: The exam takes 100 minutes.

  • Exam Languages: The exam is given in Arabic, Russian, English, French and Turkish.

  • Exam grades: The exam is calculated out of 500 marks.

  • Nature of scoring: The score for each question in mathematics and IQ is multiplied by a factor of 0.45. A question mark is also deleted when there are 4 incorrect answers.

  • Certificate validity period: The certificate is valid for two years.

  • Testing Fee: Testing fees range between $30 and $100.

  • Applying for the exam: Applying for the exam is done online, electronically.

  • Nature of applying for the exam: Applying for the exam must be personal.

Read also: Application Requirements to Study in Turkey in 2023

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