Why To Study Sociology?


Dec 13, 2022

Many students wonder why to study sociology, especially since its study does not offer specific career paths like other majors. One of the most prominent reasons for studying sociology is that it is an interesting and multifaceted specialty, especially with the multiplicity of societal issues. Here is everything related to studying this specialty


What is sociology?

Sociology is the study of social and human relations, and its topics range from family relations, the state, crime, religious matters, from the family to the state, classes of society, class racism, and the study of the beliefs and cultures of society. The study of sociology is based on studying the transition from social stability to radical change in the entire society. The study of sociology contributes to understanding the role of human consciousness and actions in shaping the culture of society.

For people, sociology is concerned with investigating the causes and consequences of many issues, such as emotions, identity, family problems, deviant behavior, and faith.

At the societal level, sociology studies and explains matters such as crime and law, poverty and wealth, education and educational institutions.

At the global level, sociology is concerned with studying phenomena such as population growth and migration, wars and peace agreements, and economic development.

Why to Study sociology?

If you have a passion for sociology, here are the most important reasons that might push you to actually study it:

Deepen understanding of humanity

The study of sociology contributes to increasing understanding of the nature of the complex human psyche and societal behavior. Sociology enables you to make comparisons, develop logical perceptions of strange societal customs, and try to solve various problems.

Student satisfaction

Obtaining a degree in sociology is motivating for students, especially when studied at top-level universities.

Acquiring skills

Studying sociology allows you to acquire many skills that are applicable in various fields of work. In addition to the skill of making rational and mature decisions, teamwork skills, and the skill of independence and self-reliance.

Understanding societal changes and dealing with them

Studying psychology helps you understand what is going on around you in society, adapt to this change and deal with it effectively.

The ability to influence societal choices and policies

 Sociology graduates contribute effectively to various organizations, such as political organizations, non-profit charitable organizations and social change organizations, thus turning the sociology student into a more effective person in society.

what is sociology

Advantages of studying sociology in Türkiye  

Turkey is one of the best destinations for international students to study sociology at its various universities, and the most prominent advantages of study are:

  • Turkey is a multicultural and multi civilizational environment, which makes it a suitable environment for social theoretical applications and the influx of students from various other countries to study sociology there.

  • Turkish universities are keen to provide training and practical application opportunities for students, enabling them to interact with various social organizations and train through them, and to conduct field studies and community reports.

  • The study of sociology in Turkish universities is constantly developing and changing to suit societal changes over time, and keeps pace with technological and digital development.

  • Providing study programs within a thoughtful and advanced academic framework.

  • Interest in research projects specialized in solving various social problems. 

  • Turkish universities are keen to provide academic staff with a great deal of experience and scientific competence. Organizing national and international conferences and seminars. 

  • Many Turkish universities are accredited and recognized within the rankings of the best universities in the world.  

  • The costs of studying sociology in Türkiye are very reasonable for international students, compared to tuition fees in other countries. 

  • Providing sociology study programs in Turkish universities in English or Turkish.

What does a student study in sociology?

Sociology includes many branches, including:

  • Theoretical sociology

  • Sociology of knowledge

  • Criminology

  • Sociology of religion

  • Economic sociology

  • Rural sociology

  • Urban sociology

  • Political sociology

  • Demographic sociology

  • Sociology of law

  • Industrial sociology

The student studies many subjects, depending on the branch he chooses to study, including:

  • anthropologist

  • Social change

  • Technology and society

  • Social development

  •  Culture and society

  • Social demographics

  • Public opinion

  • Peace and conflict resolution

  • Sociology of crime

  • Economic sociology

  •  Educational sociology

  • Sociology of religion

  •  Political sociology

  • Industrial sociology

  • Medical sociology

  • Social psychology

  • Violence and terrorism

  • Social thought

  • Globalization issues

  • Principles of social research

  • Introduction to sociology

  •  Social problems

  • Introduction to social work

  • Social theories

Admission requirements for sociology

Admission requirements to study sociology in Türkiye differ between private and public universities. 

For public universities

  • obtain a high school average of no less than 70% to study the sociology major. 

  • Pass the YOS or SAT test.

  • TOEFL or IELTS English language proficiency certificate to study in English, or TOMER Turkish language proficiency certificate to study in the Turkish language.

Turkish private universities

It provides easier conditions than public universities for studying sociology, the most important of which is:

  • obtaining a high school diploma with a grade of no less than 50%.

  • TOEFL or IELTS English language proficiency certificate to study in English, or TOMER Turkish language proficiency certificate to study in the Turkish language.

Whether the university you are applying to is public or private, you can get a preparatory year to study the language.

Admission requirements for sociology

The cost of studying sociology in Türkiye

Tuition fees for sociology majors in Türkiye vary between public and private universities, as follows:

The cost of studying in Turkish public universities ranges from $450 to $1000 annually.

While annual tuition fees range between $2,000 and $79,000, depending on the language of study, whether English or Turkish, and the university to which the student applies.

What are the qualities that  sociology students should have?

A sociology student must possess some qualities that qualify him for success in his academic and professional life, including:

  • Analytical skills: The student must have the ability to examine data and information, using various statistical methods to test theories.

  • Communication skills: The sociologist must have strong communication skills, especially in situations of group work, conducting interviews, and presenting research results.

  • Critical thinking skills: The student presents research projects, by collecting, analyzing and processing information to ultimately obtain logical results about society.

  • Observation skill: The sociologist needs the power of observation to see the interaction between groups, and to notice the changes and differences that may occur in them. The success of the sociologist depends on his insight into these changes.

  • Scientific skills: A sociology student must have a scientific mindset and a talent for research. The student must be objective and take a rigorous scientific approach.

Postgraduate studies For  sociology

Some professions require a sociology graduate to study further. There are several options for graduate study, including:

  • Master's degree in Education 

  • Master's degree in Environmental Humanities 

  • Master in International Relations: Global Security and Development 

  • Master's degree in Criminology

  • Masters Degrees in Sociology

Job opportunities for sociology graduates

Many jobs are available to sociology graduates, such as:

  • Social researcher 

    • Legal assistant

    • Working in public relations

    • Community organizer

    • Researcher in public policy

    • Data analyst.

    • Nonprofit organization management and international affairs

    • Counseling worker

    • Community development worker

    • Additional education teacher

    • Lecturer in higher education

    • Marketing Manager

    • Political official

What is a sociology salary?

The average salary for sociology graduates ranges from the lowest, which is about 75,000 Turkish liras, to the highest average salary, which is 239,000 Turkish liras. Thus, the average annual salary for sociologists in Türkiye is 152,300 Turkish liras

The average annual salary for sociologists in various positions in the United States is $70,000 per year.

Best Turkish universities to study sociology

Many Turkish universities, whether public or private, teach programs specializing in sociology, in colleges of humanities and social sciences or colleges of arts. 

Among the best public universities to study sociology in Türkiye

  • Istanbul University 

  • Ankara University 

  • Uludağ University 

  • Atatürk University

The best private universities to study sociology in Türkiye


Finally, after reading the article, if you are a student passionate about studying sociology, Turkey is one of the best global destinations for study. Contact us through studyFans to book at the best accredited and internationally recognized universities. We will help you from your arrival in Türkiye to enrolling in the university you want and obtaining distinguished scholarships.

If you wanted to know more or have any questions, we are here to help you and you can always contact us:

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  • FAQ about Why To Study Sociology?

      • High school diploma or equivalent 

      • Statement of high school grades

      • Passport or personal ID 

      • Personal photo

      All documents must be authenticated, certified by official authorities, and translated into Turkish or English.

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