Transportation card for students in Turkey

Mariam Abou elmaged

Jan 11, 2023

Turkey is considered one of the most visited countries by international students to study, so it is one of the crowded countries, which made the Turkish government interested in establishing a public transportation network that connects all parts of the city to facilitate access to any place easily.

There are special discounts for international students if they have transportation cards for students in Turkey which we will discuss in detail through this article.

Public transportation cards in Türkiye 

Types of public transportation cards include:

  1. Regular transportation card 

It is a card that can be used by all people, whether they are tourists or residents.

  1. Temporary electronic cards (elektronik kart) (birge, i̇kige, ge, beşge ve onge) 

It is a card that is used for a limited number of times only.

  1. Blue card mavi kişisel kart 

A card that can be obtained by anyone who has a residence permit other than that of the student.

  1. Student card oğrenci kartı 

It is a transportation card issued by students who have a student certificate, whether in schools or universities.

You should know that each state has its transportation card so you must obtain the card for the state in which you are located, and this applies to all transportation cards we mentioned before.

Read more: Tips for smooth transportation in Istanbul 

Types of public transportation in Istanbul 

Living in any large city requires the availability of transportation on a permanent and regular basis, and this is what Turkey does by providing various public transportation for community members to use to reach their work, universities, and so on.

Marmaray Line 

The fastest type of electric metro in Istanbul crosses from east to west and covers more than 76.6 km. The metro line connects the Asian and European sides and passes under the Bosphorus Bay.

Metro line 

It is a train that has a complete underground line and serves many areas in Turkey. You enter it via a public transportation card, but each state has a different card that must be used separately.


A public bus that has an independent line on the road and is not shared by private cars, so it is fast. It crosses from the European side to the Asian side and is used via a public transportation card.


It is a means of transportation similar to the metro, but it is above the ground, in front of which cars and public buses pass. You can use its services if you have a public transportation card.

Public buses (otobus) 

Public buses have specialized stations in each area, but they are considered the lowest speed in public transportation. You enter them using your public transportation card.

Ships and ferries 

Ferries and ships are also considered public transportation in Turkey and are used to travel between many coasts, and they are used via a public transportation card.

Cable car (teleferik) 

It is a suspended locomotive and a means of transportation that runs on electricity. Its importance is evident in rugged areas where there are many mountains. It is used as a public transportation card for students in Turkey.


It is a private minibus, not affiliated with the government. It is paid in cash and is often used for short distances between side streets.

Read more: advantages of studying in Turkey 

Types of public transportation in Istanbul

The difference between a student transportation card and a regular card 

  • When you use the transportation card for students in Turkey, you get a discount of more than 40% compared to the regular transportation card.

  • You can obtain a museum card when you have your student transportation card, so you can enter all museums at reasonable prices.

  • You can subscribe monthly with 200 entries for transportation for 140 Turkish liras, and this feature is only for student cards at the beginning of 2023.

  • You get student payment discounts at government and university restaurants.

Advantages of using a student transportation card in Türkiye 

  • Transportation card for students in Turkey provides more than a 40% discount, as the student pays 140 Turkish lira monthly at the beginning of 2023 to obtain 200 points to enter transportation.

  • This discount can be used on all government transportation such as: (buses, metro buses, metro, sea transportation, cable cars, and trams).

  • It is used as a prepaid card for spending and payment transactions in all Turkish shops such as a101/migros/şok/bim).

  • It is used as a prepaid card for spending and payment transactions at multiple payment points and applications (bitaksi/getir/beltur/bnb/itaksi).

  • It is used as a prepaid card for spending and payment transactions in public social facilities such as (ibb/hamidiye water/i̇spark/vending machines).

  • In addition to using it to obtain discounts when entering museums, parks, and government restaurants, you can use it to enter the government sports club.

Read more: Why Turkey?

Other benefits provided by the Turkish government to the student 

  • The Turkish government provides university housing for the student with an appropriate monthly fee. The subscription includes two or three meals a day, and a room that can accommodate four people. Registration for this housing opens in October of each year, as there are student housing places designated for international students.

  • Providing food at discounted prices to students at universities in a place called yemekhane.

  • Obtaining student residency that allows free treatment in Turkish government hospitals.

  • Most resorts, tourist centers, museums, and parks offer special prices for students that are much lower than the regular price.

  • Reducing subscription fees for online platforms that students need, such as educational platforms, design applications, and some international stores such as Apple.

  • Benefit from scholarships offered annually to study for free in Turkish universities.

  • The government has established special libraries for students in all places, where the student has the appropriate environment for study, including chairs, and books for research. In addition, each university has its own library that can accommodate several students, enabling them to study in it within an encouraging study environment.

Read more: How to begin studying in Turkey?

Methods for obtaining a transportation card for a student in detail

Methods for obtaining a transportation card for a student in detail 

The student needs to use public transportation to get around so obtaining a student transportation card is necessary. You have two options to obtain your transportation card:

1. Online method

You can apply for a student transportation card by following these steps:

  • Create a private account by filling out some of the required personal information.

  • Confirm the code for activation after it arrives on your phone.

  • Next, you must create an account and apply for the card. This is done by clicking on the “I want to get a transportation card” option located to the left of the list. Then, in the card type, choose “Student Card.” 

  • Then, by linking your bank account, you must pay the price of the student transportation card, which is variable.

  • Then follow up on the order, fill out all the required information, and finally click on the “Delivery” option.

  • By doing these steps you will get your card ready to use!

2. Manual method 

All you have to do is go to the nearest IETT center and bring with you the required documents, which are: 

  • Personal photo.

  • A copy of residence or passport. 

  • Student certificate (extracted from your study website to prove the student’s enrollment).

  • Fees are required for the student transportation card.

Read more: Big cities for studying in Turkey for foreign students 

How do you fill out the student transportation card in Türkiye? 

  • It can be shipped from the yellow packaging machines distributed in all transportation stations or İETT centers.

  • Newspapers and magazines shops.

  • Through shopping centers (şok /a101 /migros) distributed in all regions of Türkiye.

  • Through your bank account and linking it to the IstanbulKart application.

The cost of shipping the monthly package for the student 

When you obtain a transportation card for students in Turkey, the monthly package service is available to you, which is obtaining 200 entry points to any of the government public transportation for 140 Turkish liras at the beginning of 2023 (the price is changeable according to what the Istanbul Municipality decides).

Documents required to obtain a transportation card for a student in Türkiye 

  • Personal photo.

  • Turkish residence card and passport.

  • A paper extracted from your study center to prove the student’s enrollment oğrenci belgesi.

  • Application fees are not fixed.

How StudyFans help international students in Turkey? 

  • Securing university admission for the student. 

  • Providing discounts from the university of up to 50%. 

  • The student is also provided with 100% free consultation by an expert and specialized team.

  • Providing you with all the information and facilities.


If you have any questions about transportation card for students in Turkey, contact us and our technical team is ready to provide all services you need concerning Studying in Turkey.

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