Bahçeşehir Cyprus University is one of the best private universities in Turkey, as it provides high-quality education to local and international students, at the hands of a distinguished group of experienced faculty members. Here is everything related to the university


About Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

Bahçeşehir University of Cyprus was established in 2017 in the city of Nicosia in the Kozalyurt region of northern Cyprus, also known as (BAU Cyprus). It is one of the branches of Bahçeşehir İnternational University in Istanbul, Turkey, in addition to other branches around the world such as the United States of America, Rome, and Germany.

The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various specializations.

The university is keen to provide an international educational environment for its students, so it includes a large number of international students from different countries and cultures, and its vision and mission are summed up in graduating qualified people for the labor market who have the experience and competence that distinguishes them to work in their fields.


Advantages of studying at Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

The university provides many advantages to its students, to attract the largest number of international students to study various specializations, as follows:

  • Study at the university relies on English as the primary language in teaching various specializations, which provides students with opportunities to work internationally.

  • The university is distinguished by teaching all engineering specializations, and providing practical training to students in laboratories and laboratories equipped at the highest level.

  • The possibility of studying in any branch of the university, whether in Berlin, the United States, Italy, or Türkiye.

  • The university has held many international cooperation agreements with international universities, such as Harvard University, New York University, Stanford University, Yokogawa University, and the Technical University of Berlin.

  • The university’s participation in the Erasmus student exchange program.

  • Bahçeşehir University, Cyprus, is an internationally accredited and recognized university, ensuring students receive a high-quality education provided by a group of highly experienced and competent faculty members.

  • The university offers quality education at reasonable fees that suit students.


Accreditations for Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

The university has obtained many international and local accreditations and recognitions, including:

  • Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) in Türkiye.

  • Accreditation by the National Commission for Educational Accreditation and Higher Education (YÖDAK) of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

  • Pearson's international accreditation for the quality of English language programmes, confirming that students have completed their preparatory year of English at university from an internationally recognized institution.

  • EAQUALS accreditation, to ensure quality and international accreditation in language teaching and assessment.

  • Bahçeşehir University Cyprus has been accepted as a member of the Organization of Turkic States – Union of Turkish Universities.


Programs of Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

The university provides a variety of study programs for bachelor's and postgraduate degrees in various specializations, offering students many options to pursue their academic studies and achieve their professional goals. The most prominent of these programs are:

  • Business Administration

  • International relations

  • psychology

  • Computer engineering

  • Civil engineering

  • Architecture

  • pharmacy

  • law

  • Communication and media studies

  • Tourism and hotel management

  • Graphic design

  • English language and literature

  • Electrical and electronic engineering

  • Interior architecture

  • Banking and financial services

The university also offers many programs for master's students, covering several specializations, such as marketing, psychology, business administration, political science and international relations, computer engineering, international law, and architecture.

PhD programmes 

  • Computer engineering

  • Electrical and electronic engineering 

  • Industrial engineering

  • mathematics


Student exchange programs at Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

The university is keen to provide exchange programs for its students, through:

  • Erasmus+ Program: It is a program funded by the European Union, which allows the student to study at one of the participating universities in Europe for a semester or a year.

  • BAU Global Exchange Programs: The university holds several exchange agreements with other universities around the world, giving the student several options for study.


Application requirements for Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

For Turkish students 

According to the regulations of the Higher Education Council of Turkey, admission of national students is based on passing a two-stage national examination conducted by the OSYM Center.

 Admission is based on students' scores in the second-stage selection examination and their high school grade point average.

For international students 

International students are accepted according to their SAT and ACT international test scores, or according to their high school grade.

 This is in addition to the English language test because the main language of instruction at BAU is English.

For the visiting student 

Students who are currently studying in other countries or who have already graduated can apply to BAU to study as visiting students for one or two semesters. The student applies to the International Affairs Office, submits an educational certificate and a letter of intent that includes the courses he wants to enroll in, in addition to a certificate proving proficiency in the English language. After approval, the student completes the final registration procedures.


Cost of study for Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

Tuition fees at the university vary according to the major the student studies and the academic degree he obtains.

Tuition fees at Bahçeşehir Cyprus University for Turkish citizen students are about $3,025 per year for most majors to obtain a bachelor’s degree, except the political science and international relations, for which tuition fees are about $1,860 per year.

For master's degrees, tuition fees for each program are approximately $3,575 per year.

for international students:

Tuition fees for obtaining a bachelor’s degree are estimated at $5,950 annually, except for the pharmacy major, which is $8,000 annually.

Master's degree fees are estimated at approximately $4,080 per course. 

Doctoral study fees are about $6,120 per course.


Scholarships for Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

Bahçeşehir University in Cyprus offers several scholarships to international students to help them pay tuition fees and study expenses. The type of scholarship offered to students depends on several factors, including merit or need, or in the form of financial aid provided to qualified students.

Scholarships for postgraduate programmes:

  • Supreme ALES Success Scholarship 

  • Graduation scholarship

  • Foreign Language Achievement Scholarship

  • Postgraduate scholarship

  • Public Institutions Scholarship

  • Istanbul Bar Association Scholarship

  • Cooperation grant

  • High Honors Scholarship


How StudyFans helps you apply to Bahçeşehir Cyprus University? 

You can apply to the university with the help of studyFans, which is always keen to provide all information and instructions on how to apply, and to guarantee admission to the university. In addition to the following services:

  • Guiding the student about the mechanisms for applying for admission to the university, application documents, application dates, and admission requirements.

  • Providing all information related to the graduate programs offered at the university for international students.



Bahçeşehir Cyprus University is one of the best universities affiliated with Turkey locally and internationally, so most international students in Cyprus turn to it to enroll in various specializations. You can use the StudyFans platform to submit an application for admission, ensure admission to the university, and obtain a scholarship as well.


FAQ about Bahçeşehir Cyprus University 

What is the duration of study at Bahçeşehir Cyprus University? 

University study lasts 4 academic years to obtain a bachelor’s degree, in addition to two additional years to obtain a master’s degree.  

What is the main language of study at Bahçeşehir Cyprus University? 

English is the primary language of study at the university, so proof of language proficiency must be provided as a condition for admission.



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