Saudi Arabia recognition of Bilgi University


May 31, 2023

Saudi Arabia announces the recognition of the Turkish Bilgi University 2023

The Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced its recognition of the Turkish Bilgi University through its website, as part of a series of recognitions of Turkish universities in Saudi Arabia recently. This provides Saudi students with the opportunity to study at the Turkish Bilgi University, where the study is strong. It is mentioned that the number of Saudi students at Istanbul Bilgi University reaches 370 Saudi students.

The local and international rankings of the Turkish Bilgi University 2023 and its accreditations

Istanbul Bilgi University ranks 1354 globally and 18 locally among Turkish universities. Bilgi University is among the universities that have obtained many international accreditations such as FEEDEK accreditation, QS stars accreditation, WASC accreditation, TBD accreditation, and others.

Confessions of Bilgi University in the Arab Countries 2023

Istanbul Bilgi University is recognized in most Arab countries, such as:

1. Jordan

2. Saudi Arabia

3. Emirates

4. Egypt

5. Bahrain

6. Palestine

7. Syria

8. Oman


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