Gelişim records an exceptional achievement in SCImago 2024!


Mar 8, 2024

Gelişim University IGU tops the scientific research scene in the SCImago 2024 rankings!

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) ranked fifth in the field of scientific research and ranked 25th in all fields within the SCImago 2024 rankings. This is an exceptional achievement that confirms IGU’s commitment to providing high-quality education, promoting scientific research, stimulating innovation, and creating a rich learning environment for students. 

SCImago University Rankings is a leading global index that measures the research performance of universities, lending further credibility to Gelişim's achievement.

Gelişim's remarkable success in several fields among Turkish universities

Gelişim University also excelled in multiple fields, ranking 2nd in Economics and Finance, 4th in Environmental Sciences, 7th in Business, Management, and Accounting, 8th in Energy, 13th in Social Sciences, and 14th in Engineering.

Gelişim University fees

College of Gelişim

Annual fees of Gelişim





Applied Sciences


Economic and administrative sciences



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