Yök Launches New Application for Students in Turkey


Aug 3, 2023

Yök has announced the launch of a new application to serve students in Turkey

Yok has launched a new application to serve students in Turkey. In response to requests from students registered in the physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics departments at Istanbul, Ankara, Dokuz Eylul, Karadeniz Technical, and Gokurova universities, the Higher Education Council in Turkey has decided to offer an important application for students starting from the academic year 2023-2024. The application will provide dual primary and secondary education in economics and business management, statistics, and econometrics.

The procedures and principles related to the new program that will be implemented by the Higher Education Council starting from the academic year 2023-2024 have been executed, including the modification of the regulation published in the Official Gazette on July 16, 2023.

With the regulation related to the principles of transfer between fellowship and university degree programs in higher education institutions coming into effect, dual specialization, secondary education, and credit transfer between institutions will allow basic science students to graduate from two programs at the same time, thereby expanding their job opportunities after graduation.

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